What Do Woodworm Look Like?

The larvae resemble tiny caterpillars and are creamy-white in colour. The woodworm larvae reside deep within the wood, only coming to the surface to transform into beetles. In late spring or early summer, woodworm beetles often become active and emerge from the wood in preparation for mating. Mature beetles have shiny spots that resemble eyes and are typically black or brown with greyish hair on their upper bodies and wing cases.

Evidence of Woodworm

You are more likely to see evidence of woodworm in your home or property rather than the actual woodworm themselves. This is because the majority of the harm that woodworm causes, occurs when they are still larvae, out of sight and hidden deep within the wooden structures of your property. They could spend up to five years doing this, internally consuming your wooden furniture, possessions and property's structural materials. 

It might be difficult to determine whether you have a woodworm infestation for years after woodworm beetles lay their eggs in cracks and crevices in your property's flooring, timbers, furniture, joists, wooden tools, and woodwork. However, there are a few indicators to watch out for, such as:

  • Tiny, circular holes in wood, often ranging in diameter from 1 to 2 mm
  • A fine, powdery dust near the holes
  • Tunnels in the woodwork
  • Joists, boards, and weak or broken wood or flooring with splintered edges
  • Dead or live beetles

Woodworm Damage

The larvae dig into the wood and can stay there for years after hatching. Once they reach adulthood, they emerge to begin the cycle again, repeating the process and inflicting further damage. The larvae lay their eggs in cracks and crevices in furniture, floor boards, and woodwork. 

Woodworm can cause irreparable damage and possibly structural failure if left untreated, necessitating the replacement of timbers. Weakened structural elements, such load-bearing wood, joists made of wood, and roofs, may eventually give way, requiring expensive repairs or, worse, causing catastrophic harm.

Contact AJ Pest Control for Woodworm Treatment

The best course of action to save your furniture, belongings and for your safety if you see indicators of woodworm is to contact a reputable business like AJ Pest Control. Infested regions will see a prompt and efficient resolution to the problem by our treatment professionals. AJ Pest Control offers comprehensive solutions to meet your pest management requirements, be it residential, commercial, or agricultural.

Our experienced technicians will carry out a thorough inspection of your home or property. After assessing the extent of any active woodworm, an appropriate woodworm treatment will be recommended. Woodworm treatment requires that no people or pets to be in the rooms during treatment and for a few hours after. 

Our water based woodworm treatment is highly effective and odourless solution when dry. Only one woodworm treatment is required, timbers are treated and will remain in the layers of the timber and woodworm flight holes to prevent any future invasions. Our woodworm treatment is backed by a thirty year guarantee and once treated, any eggs and emerging beetles will die, breaking the woodworm life cycle.