Flying Ant Day 2023

Every summer, swarms of flying ants emerge, which can boost seagull activity across the UK. These flying ant swarms are a normal component of their reproductive process and shouldn't be seen as a reason for alarm. If the weather is nice, you may anticipate seeing these millions of ants swarming because Flying Ant Day is usually in July.

What Happens on 'Flying Ant Day'?

Millions of flying ants come out of their nest one day each year in the UK, generally in July. This day has become known as "Flying Ant Day." The period of the flying ants can extend for a few weeks, but more often than not, it builds up to a certain day when millions of these insects emerge simultaneously throughout the UK. Every year, the day is different, but sometime in July, it will feel like there are tonnes of flying ants everywhere!

Why Do Ant Swarms Occur?

Regular garden ants have a single queen and about 5000 female workers that are often seen gathering food for the colony. Only newly crowned queens and immature male ants will fly out from the colony to mate and start their own.

Young male and new queen ants fly at a crucial stage of the species' reproductive process known as the "nuptial flight" in order to find a partner and pair off. New queens shed their wings after mating and begin hunting for a location to build their new nest. The sudden appearance of a large number of flying ants enhances the likelihood that reproduction will be successful.

Seagulls' Reactions:

In the UK, seaside communities have witnessed hundreds of seagulls congregate and act erratically in previous years. These insects are especially beloved by seagulls, who like feasting on flying ants and sometimes become "drunk" from their abundance. They frequently swarm in large groups in parks to eat flying ants, even showing no regard for their own safety while crossing roads.

What to Do About Flying Ants?

The only threat that flying ants pose to people is irritation, so keep your windows closed and they should go away in a few days. Ants are beneficial to the ecology because they aerate the soil, increase plant fertility, manage pests, and supply many kinds of birds with a crucial source of food.

A professional can, however, efficiently handle ant pest management if you're dealing with many, independent instances of ant infestation. Get in contact with us if ants persist even after several home remedies.
We can look at the situation and suggest the best course of action as qualified specialists. We'll also offer suggestions and advise on how to avoid future ant infestations and the requirement for extermination by a specialist.