World Bee Day 2023

Seventy-five percent of the world's crops and one-third of the food we consume are pollinated by bees, who even have their own holiday: It's International Bee Day on 20th May 2023. Honey bees and bee swarms are generally not a bother and won't cause any harm because they are not aggressive, but occasionally you may require expert assistance to relocate them to a location that is safe for both them and anyone who could be sensitive to bee stings.

The Purpose of World Bee Day

The 20th of May is recognised worldwide as World Bee Day. The purpose of World Bee Day is to increase awareness of the importance of pollinators like bees and other insects in the ecosystem. International Bee Day is significant because bees are threatened everywhere, particularly in Europe, where nearly one in ten wild bee species are in danger of becoming extinct due to habitat loss, climate change, toxic pesticides, and illness.

Different Types of Bees

In the UK, there are approximately 250 different species of bee, 24 of which are bumblebees. In the UK, species of bee that are the most prevalent include honey bees, bumblebees, mining bees, mason bees and common carder bees.

Every species of bee is either solitary or social, which means it lives alone or in a group known as a colony. Social bees swarm, but solitary bees do not. Due to overcrowding and a natural requirement for colony division, which often occurs in the spring, honey bees can produce bee swarms. When scout bees search for a new nesting place, the bee swarm temporarily relocates to a new position.

When Bee Swarms Become a Problem

When scout bees are searching for their new site, bees can pose a health concern to persons who have a severe sting allergy (anaphylactic shock), thus professional bee pest management or bee removal may be necessary. Typically, bees will establish their hives in bushes, tree holes, and abandoned structures. Yet if bees swarm and construct a hive inside a structure, they may generate kilogrammes of honey and comb if left alone; it's not unusual to remove more than 40kg of honey from structures! The filling of cavities and chimneys by the comb and honey can result in property damage, necessitating expert bee pest management or professional bee removal.

Protection & Treatment Of Bees

When it comes to dealing with bee swarms and bee eradication, AJ Pest Control takes great care. Although there are regulatory restrictions and precise protocols to follow when treating bees and removing bee swarms, bees are not legally protected in the UK. Before carrying out any treatment for any bee pest control, bee swarm removal, or bee removal, AJ Pest Control closely collaborates with experienced bee keepers and carefully weighs all available choices. Call 01799 542 505 or send us a message, and we'll be pleased to answer your questions and talk about your needs.