Why are rabbit numbers controlled in the UK?

Rabbits can cause major environmental problems such as soil erosion as well as compete with native fauna for food and habitat. This can be on both domestic and agricultural land and may require professional rabbit pest control intervention. Even in small numbers, rabbits can be difficult to control as they have a substantial breeding rate, especially in springtime and if left unchecked can decimate acres of spring crops such as barley, wheat and maize.

As agricultural pests, rabbits are in direct competition with livestock for pasture and end up eating a lot of food that wasn’t intended for them. Their burrowing can cause extensive damage on erosion-prone soil – sometimes causing land to eventually be rendered useless where a living can't be made on it, but rabbit pest control can help prevent this severe result.

Rabbit Control Laws

Under Section One of the Pests Act 1954, England and Wales (except for the City of London, the Isles of Scilly and Skokholm Island) have been declared a Rabbit Clearance Area.

In this region, every land owner is responsible for controlling wild rabbits on their land either by themselves or by hiring rabbit pest control professionals. If this is not obtainable, occupiers of land have an ongoing obligation for taking steps to prevent rabbits from causing damage to nearby crops by putting up fencing.

Ways to Stop Rabbits from Causing Damage

Types of fencing that help restrict rabbits from decimating nearby crops and pasture are electric netting, electric strained wire (similar to the kind used to manage sheep and cattle) and permanent wire-mesh netting. There may be restrictions to the fencing a land occupier can put up depending on whether it has environmental, monumental or archaeological interest, so this should be checked beforehand.

Some wildlife species and habitats depend on rabbit grazing, so wildlife interests should also be considered when putting up fencing and deciding on the type of fencing used in order to carry out rabbit pest control.

Prevent The Need for Rabbit Pest Control

Other ways to prevent the need for rabbit pest control include making your land or garden less inviting. Rabbits live in areas that provide cover from predators such as low-growing shrubs, in brush piles, tall grasses as well as under sheds, porches and other structures. Keep brush piles clean and tidy, your grass mowed and block access points under any building or structures.

Collars around the trunk of young trees to can also help prevent rabbit damage as does adding a fence around any vegetable gardens. Other options include the use of scare tactics to prevent rabbits coming onto your land and the eventual need for rabbit pest control. These could include scarecrows, snakes and owls, aluminium pie pans as well as ultrasonic devices. Keep in mind, however, that rabbits will get used to these tactics and their effectiveness as a rabbit pest control prevention will wear off eventually.

Call an Expert for Professional Rabbit Pest Control

If you're experiencing damage from rabbits or over-population on your land and require rabbit pest control experts, get in touch with AJ Pest Control as soon as possible. We'll carry out a detailed inspection of your property and occupied land to assess the degree of the problem and recommend the best course of action for the most appropriate rabbit pest control methods. We'll also provide recommendations and advice for preventing rabbits and the need for professional rabbit pest control in the future.