Prevent Bringing Home Bedbugs From Your Summer Holiday

After a relaxing holiday, the last thing you want is to bring home bedbugs in your suitcase. Bedbugs are usually found in homes but can be introduced to your home after staying in a hotel or holiday rental and require professional pest control for bedbugs.

What Are Bedbugs & Where Are They Found?

Bedbugs are small, oval shaped insects with a brownish body that turns red after feeding on blood of humans and animals. Bedbugs hide in small cracks and crevices of bedside furniture, mattresses, bed frames, bed linen, headboards and loose wallpaper making it easy for them to feed on humans at night in homes, hotels and holiday rentals.

Their bites do not transmit diseases but can be very irritating, itchy and in some cases cause allergic reactions and skin infections. Using an anesthetic and an anticoagulant to prevent you from noticing that you're bitten, you may not know about the initial bedbug bite until days after. Add this to their breeding rate and their ability to survive for weeks without feeding, it becomes easy to see why infestations can happen so quickly and why you may need professional pest control for bedbugs in your property.

Avoid Bringing Back Bedbugs

Before heading off on a trip, read the reviews - do your research to find out if there have been recent bedbug infestations in hotels and holiday accommodation you're looking to visit. Pack your belongings in zippered plastic bags or hard-cased suitcases to make it more difficult for bedbugs to hide in your luggage. Once you get to the hotel or holiday rental, check all sheets, mattresses (on top and underneath) and headboards for the red/ brown bedbugs, their exoskeletons (from molting) and dark-brownish spots.

If you spot any bedbugs let the accommodation management know immediately about the problem, they'll want to help and avoid an infestation getting out of hand. Request to move at least two floors away and bedbugs can hide in walls and travel to the room above and below. Then place suitcases and luggage on luggage racks or on hard surfaces, just to be sure. Once home, wash clothes and tumble dry them to ensure that any possible bedbugs die off (they cannot survive over 50 degrees celsius) and store luggage in a hot attic, garage or basement.

Pest Control For Bedbugs

Bedbugs are particularly difficult to get rid of and do it yourself methods often fail since every last egg must be found and exterminated to prevent hatching and the cycle starting all over again. If you have a bedbug infestation in your home, office or commercial property, get in touch with us as soon as possible to prevent any further discomfort to you, your family or customers and prevent the infestation getting worse or passing it onto other households. We'll carry out a detailed inspection of your property to assess the degree of the problem and recommend the best course of action for the pest control for bedbugs treatment. We'll also provide advice and recommendations for preventing bedbugs and the need for professional pest control for bedbugs going forward.